French Quarter Management District

FQMD’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to Celebrate the North Rampart Street Pedestrian Safety Improvements Program

The French Quarter Management District has completed work on a project that will enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety along one of the French Quarter’s most traveled streets, North Rampart Street. On Wednesday, August 14th, the FQMD hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the project’s completion.

The $200,000.00 project, in cooperation with the City of New Orleans, comes as part of the FQMD’s North Rampart Pedestrian Safety Improvements program designed to help all who travel North Rampart Street or traverse the street on their daily commutes.

Specific improvements include:

  • Bike lanes along North Rampart Street painted green from Toulouse to St. Philip
  • 60 more durable high-visibility flex posts will be installed along the bike lane to create a visual buffer protecting bicyclists.
  • Five intersection corner zones were painted brick red to enhance visibility.
  • 2 pedestrian-activated flashing beacon lights were installed at the St. Philip Street and St. Ann Street intersections, assisting in the safe crossing of pedestrians in the high-trafficked area near Armstrong Park, in compliance with ADA guidelines.

Check out our media coverage for more information:

Fox 8 Interview
WGNO Article
WGNO Interview Article