French Quarter Management District


The FQMD Commissioners elected to have four Committees:

Finance and Development Committee

The Committee Chair and Members will provide guidance, direction, and oversight for the development and execution of the organization’s financial and operational strategic plan, budgets, and activity reporting. In matters requiring Board of Commissioner approval, the Committee will make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for final approval.

In collaboration with the Board Chair and Board of Commissioners, the Committee will recommend annual fundraising goals for the organization to the Board for approval. The Chair and Members will provide guidance and oversight to the Executive Director for the drafting of financial projections for current funding, potential funding, and funding through grant opportunities. After approval by the Board of Commissioners, the Committee and will provide guidance to the Executive Director for execution of Board-approved fundraising goals.

The Committee will support the Board of Commissioners and Board Chair with organizational strategy recommendations, as well as provide oversight of staff activities as they relate to Board established action items to deliver outcomes.

The Committee will present financial and operational feasibility studies to the Board of Commissioners for final approval. The Chairs and Members will review the financial feasibility of:
• Current organizational funding/programming, and recommend best use of funds
• Budget adjustments to achieve annual and long term organizational goals
• Proposed projects and/or programs and funding to accomplish the desired outcome

This Committee meets quarterly at 2pm at the FQMD conference room, located at 400 North Peters, Suite 206.

Next Meeting:

View Committee Members

Frank Zumbo, Chair
Heidi Raines, Co-Chair
Sue Klein
Christine Bondio
Jane Cooper

Government Affairs Committee

The Committee shall liaison with local and state appointed and elected officials on matters important to fulfilling FQMD’s mission and goals, providing (1) assistance and advice on Government Affairs to the Board of Commissioners and other FQMD committees, which committees shall remain responsible for the identification and fulfillment of projects and initiatives; and (2) working closely with other committees to ensure governmental efforts are not duplicated.

This Committee meets on an as needed basis.

Next Meeting:

View Committee Members

Glade Bilby, Chair
Christian Pendleton, Co-Chair
Heidi Raines
David Bilbe

Livability Committee

The Livability Committee's mission is to address and improve the quality of life for the residents and businesses in the French Quarter. This Committee shall address issues such as sanitation, repair and maintenance, sound levels, residency, and any other issues that may arise affecting our quality of life.

This Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month, at 2pm at Omni Royal Orleans, 621 St. Louis Street.

Next Meeting:

View Committee Members

Mamie Gasperecz, Chair
Erin Holmes, Co-Chair
Madison Charleston
Rene Fransen
Antonio Carbone
Christian Pendleton
Graham Williams

Security and Enforcement Committee

This Committee will advise the Board of Commissioners on security strategies that will improve public safety in the French Quarter.

This Committee meets on the third Monday of the month, at 2pm at Bienville House, located at 320 Decatur Street.

Next Meeting:
There are no upcoming events.

View Committee Members

Christian Pendleton, Chair
Jessica Dietz, Co-Chair
Jane Cooper
Steve Caputo
Glade Bilby
Joshua Grippo
Frances Hegenberger
Alex Fein
Maddie Charleston

All meetings are open to the public. Please join us!

If you are interested in joining a Committee, please contact us.