French Quarter Management District

Get Familiar with the Task Force App


If you see suspicious activity, are aware of illegal vending or recognize a potentially dangerous situation, please use our Task Force App. The app is a convenient way to alert our local patrols of trouble within the French Quarter. You can help be the eyes and ears of our Supplemental Police Patrols, launched specifically to protect citizens and property in the Quarter. Please download the app and be ready to use it. But never put yourself in harm’s way. If you feel threatened or are in immediate danger, always call 911.

The French Quarter Management District worked with the French Quarter Economic Development District to create the Supplemental Police Patrol Program. The SPPP patrols and responds to the mobile app 24/7 for complaints of public disturbances, obstruction of public passages, suspicious activity, drug dealing and illegal vending and more. Please use this free service to help keep the Quarter safe.

For app support, citizens can send an email to

For general information regarding the app, read more at SDT App Task Force’s website here.