French Quarter Management District

Keep Louisiana Beautiful – Summer Newsletter

Posted on Jun 16, 2022 | Blog,News

Keep the Quarter Clean!

In the absence of people during the pandemic, French Quarter business owners and residents experienced the cleanest of conditions, and to their dismay, the litter and graffiti returned when the world re-opened. To preserve New Orleans’ historic heart, the French Quarter Management District (FQMD) announced the launch of the campaign, Keep the Quarter Clean

Keep the Quarter Clean is a multi-faceted awareness campaign developed with the intention to achieve and maintain a higher level of cleanliness. The campaign’s brand was strategically created to present a recognizable look that conveys unified action.  

“Through collaborations and grassroots marketing efforts, FQMD reaches both the local and visitor populations, empowering people to take ownership of the Quarter’s cleanliness,” says Karley Frankic, FQMD Executive Director. “This campaign has already been embraced by so many organizations and individuals – all tired of experiencing unsanitary conditions.”

Knowing many residents and business owners are unaware of the city’s sanitation laws and contracted sanitation services, FQMD created an informative one-page flyer outlining laws related to garbage and animal waste, plus schedules for services. This flyer also includes information on how to report an issue.

“We worked with the sanitation vendor to establish a hotline and email address for reporting issues to our facility services contractor, Kellermeyer Bergensons Services (KBS),” says Frankic “This is in addition to the 311-service request line. If stakeholders are knowledgeable about the services they should be receiving, they are more likely to report a problem.”

Already FQMD has hosted more than 12 events to educate New Orleans organizations about their efforts. With the help of the Young Leadership Council, FQMD will be visiting local businesses this summer with information about the campaign and how to show support. 

“Many visitors don’t realize there is a big residential community in the Quarter,” says Frankic. “We hope to reach tourists with our message as well and ask them not to litter. It’s important that we shift our culture to a place of respect and cohabitation.” 

FQMD, with their partners, is also in the process of creating a flyer on graffiti law. They hope to provide citizens with the information they need to have graffiti removed from their home or place of business.

You can support the Keep the Quarter Clean campaign by reporting issues at, or reporting directly to the city’s sanitation service provider, KBS, at (504) 835-5551 or Freewindow decals and magnets to display and exhibit your support for a cleaner French Quarter are available to pick up during business hours at FQMD offices at 400 North Peters, Suite 206, New Orleans 70130. FQMD can be reached here.