French Quarter Management District

FQMD approves motion to support Black lives matter movement, racial equality & bias-free policing

New Orleans, Louisiana July 15, 2020 – On Monday, July 13th, the French Quarter Management District Board of Commissioners voted to approve a motion that declares that the “French Quarter Management District supports the Black lives matter movement and dedicate ourselves to racial equality and abide by bias-free policing within our Supplemental Police Patrol Program”.

Security & Enforcement Committee Chair, Matthew Emory introduced the motion by saying: “The phrase, ‘Black lives matter’ is not suggesting that Black lives matter more than any other lives. It is instead pointing out that Black lives are relatively undervalued. In our country there has been centuries of racial bias and discrimination at the state, federal, and social levels, and an overall disregard for the Black community. We have an opportunity to visibly and vocally address this as a body. Our agency oversees this district, the French Quarter, which was the epicenter of the slave trade for many decades, with fifty-three slave exchanges in this city. It is important that we let the world know that as a community, this movement is important to us. We support a movement of equality.”

Commissioner Robert Watters seconded the motion saying “There are other inequities in America, but right now we are addressing Black lives matter. I think that we have to be socially conscious and we have  no choice but to recognize this movement and support it.”

It is the goal of Commissioner Emory to see productive steps taken by the FQMD that will address and support inclusive efforts for the betterment of the stakeholders within the community. Emory said, “In finding a solution, the first step must be to acknowledge a problem.”

The FQMD Board of Commissioners represent a diverse group of stakeholders who live, work, own property and/or businesses in the French Quarter, all of which are vested in protecting and improving the vitality, security and infrastructure of this gem of a neighborhood that supports the livelihood of our region’s residents, the City and the State.

The FQMD works to:

  • Improve public safety, foster quality experiences, and enhance quality of life within the District
  • Improve commercial and residential vitality
  • Strengthen the District as a vital component of Louisiana’s tourism industry
  • Aid in the preservation of the District’s architecture, quaint charm, and tout ensemble
  • Beautify the District’s appearance

If you would like more information about the French Quarter Management District, please contact, Karley D. Frankic at 504-323-5801 or